October session / 2-day Entremets Masterclass


9.00 to 12.00 - 13.00 to 16.00

18,500 THB

  • Class Session:             2 days / 2 sessions/ morning / afternoon
  • Lunch:                           Included
  • Total hours:                  18 hours
  • Delivery Language:    English with Thai translation
  • Age:                            年滿18歲或以上
  • Suitable for:                Amateurs
  • Accomplishment:       Lenôtre certificate
  • Student per class:      Maximum 12



  • Yuzu chocolate
  • Tiramisu
  • Schuss
  • Black forest
  • Berry charlotte
  • Exotica


Learn how to make 10 kinds of delicious entremets in multi-layered mousse-based cake with various complementary flavours and varying textural contrasts. Many techniques will be involved in preparing those delicious desserts from biscuits to ganache, inserts and glazing and decoration.

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