雷諾特 (Lenôtre) 學院是一所烹飪藝術學院,提供烹飪、糕點和麵包店認證培訓課程。
旨在培養未來偉大廚師的獨特培訓, “實踐學習”是雷諾特 (Lenôtre) 專業藝術學院的核心價值,促進技術精度的實踐和經驗。

法國雷諾特 (Lenôtre) 烹飪藝術學院由學院創始人卡斯通·雷諾特 (Gaston Lenôtre) 先生創辦至今已經有50多年的歷史。他熱衷於傳承技術知識給後代, 使技術得以代代相傳。教學工作是他每天的靈感之一。在決心保護和弘揚法國美食遺產的推動下。當然,我們也準備與學生詳細分享雷諾特之家 (Maison Lenôtre) 的技術、技巧、知識和創造力, 以及所有進入學校圍牆的同事, 員工和參與者。

Save the Date!

Lenôtre Culinary Arts School's

OPEN DAY on Sunday 14 JAN 2024 at 13:00

What’s in store for you?

  •  Discounts on all courses
  •  Insightful consulting by Chef instructors
  •  Explore career opportunities
  •  Engage in discussions and connect with fellow culinary enthusiasts
  • Take advantage of our free registration, available now!


泰國雷諾特 (Lenôtre) 烹飪藝術學院提供鹹味和甜味的烹飪教學、甜點和麵包的文憑課程以及短期培訓課程。適合沒有烹飪或甜點基礎的學生, 想要拓展業務的專業學生, 包括提供各種主題的培訓服務 


泰國雷諾特 (Lenôtre) 烹飪藝術學院提供鹹味和甜味的烹飪教學、甜點和麵包的文憑課程以及短期培訓課程。適合沒有烹飪或甜點基礎的學生, 想要拓展業務的專業學生, 包括提供各種主題的培訓服務以及長期項目諮詢


旨在培養未來偉大廚師的獨特培訓, “實踐學習”是雷諾特 (Lenôtre)專業藝術學院的核心價值,促進技術精度的實踐和經驗。通過選擇我們為期六個月的認證課程,學員將與頂級廚師一同沉浸在雷諾特 (Lenôtre) 文化中。在技能熟練工匠和豐富多樣的設施組成的烹飪環境包圍下,追求卓越的學員們將掌握基本技術並迅速成為高素質的專業人士。

本課程專為有意願和決心成為專業廚師和/或有興趣改變職業道路,想成為專門從事鹹味菜餚製作和管理的廚師的人所設計。學院的教學風格是集中式強化培訓練習。在英語指導和泰語翻譯的幫助下,學員可以在大約 7 個月內熟練掌握烹飪技能。

有關更多詳細信息, 請參閱隨附文件檔或者查看以下介紹信息:


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Our Pâtisserie Chef Diploma programme is intended for passionate professionals or anyone who wishes to change careers and become a Professional Chef Pâtissier. We offer a training period of 840 hours (approximately 7 months), with an intense focus on practicing pâtisserie products and repeating gestures. Teaching is provided in classes with a limited number of 12 students.


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本課程專為有意願和決心成為專業廚師和/或有興趣改變職業道路,想成為專門從事麵包生產製作和管理的廚師的人所設計。學院的教學風格是集中式強化培訓練習。在英語指導和泰語翻譯的幫助下,學員可以在大約 4 個月內熟練掌握麵包製作技能。

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" Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vitae velit a lorem placerat ultricies. Sed mattis, urna ac ornare vestibulum, dolor sem condimentum massa, sit amet faucibus quam velit ut nulla. Nunc vel tortor ut justo tempor faucibus. Quisque id felis eu nisl semper aliquet vel vel nisl. Nulla scelerisque cursus lacus eget eleifend. Sed sit amet erat mattis, fermentum diam sed, pulvinar urna. Cras accumsan sit amet dui sed aliquam. Nulla dui dolor, blandit a blandit vitae, vulputate quis tortor. Pellentesque mattis, sem vitae rhoncus posuere, dolor justo mollis mauris, sed lobortis tellus nisl vel sapien."
Mister Mister
Master of Mister

Team Building

An extraordinary environment for team building! Enjoy a few hours immersed in Lenôtre culture alongside our top-tier chefs with fully equipped kitchen classrooms, participants of all-sizes groups will have an opportunity to acquire the inherited recipes, techniques and tricks from our chef instructors. You will experience a memorable moment in a team setting dedicated to the sheer pleasure of great taste. This is a perfect time to bring your employees together during fun and flavorful activities in an exceptional setting. To plan your next corporate event, dine and mingle with our professional chefs in the dining area of The Restaurant at Lenôtre Culinary Arts School Thailand.

Team building events are available for booking from Fridays to Saturdays.

