August Session / Ice cream cake and sorbet

7 to 8 of August 2024

9.00 to 12.00 - 13.00 to 16.00

17,900 THB

  • Class Session:             2 day class /  2 morning / 2 afternoon
  • Lunch:                           Included
  • Total hours:                  12 hours
  • Delivery Language:    English with Thai translation
  • Age:                             18 years old minimum
  • Suitable for:                 Amateurs
  • Accomplishment:        Lenôtre certificate of attendance
  • Student per class:        Maximum 8



  • Baked Alaska frozen cake
  • Frozen iced fruits
  • Ice cream lollipop


Master the techniques of producing home-made ice cream at Lenôtre. During this practical two-day course you will be guided to learn the basics for ice cream and sorbet making with explanations on hygiene regulations, techniques to balance and stabilize the product.  A perfect kick start to understand the fundamental of ice cream and sorbet making.



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