July Session / Pâté Croute

26 July 2024

9.00 to 12.00 - 13.00 to 16.00

10,500 THB

  • Class Session:            1 day class / 2 sessions /  morning / afternoon
  • Lunch:                         Included
  • Total hours:                 6 hours
  • Delivery Language:   English with Thai translation
  • Age:                           18 years old minimum
  • Suitable for:               Amateurs
  • Accomplishment:       Lenôtre certificate of attendance
  • Student per class:      Maximum 12


Paté croute is more than just a dish, it is a masterpiece of  french culinary art, becoming more and more popular. In this comprehensive course, we will  take you on a journey of discovery, teaching you the step-by-step process of creating your own perfect paté croute. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a passionate home cook, this course will provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to create a stunning and delicious masterpiece in your own kitchen, by understanding how to select  the highest quality ingredients and mastering the art of assembly and baking.

Did you know that this master piece of french gastronomy has now its own world competition?  So grab your apron and let’s embark on a culinary adventure!


  • Prepare the crust.
  • Prepare the stuffing with foie gras, pork shoulder, pork belly, chicken supreme, mushroom.
  • Learn the art to season the stuffing according to meat texture and weight.
  • Learn to dress the mold, decorate, cook with precision and finish by  setting the gely inside.

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